saxophone lessons for children

Teaching your child:

I keep saxophone lessons for children light-hearted, engaging, and fun. I believe that the most important lesson a child can learn is to love and enjoy playing music. Once this is accomplished the rest is easy! Children who learn to love playing an instrument enjoy practicing, progress rapidly, and continue to play music throughout their lives.

I work with various band methods, tailored for each child’s individual skill level and personal needs. If the student is a member of school concert band we also will also work with that material, ensuring that he/she can approach the music in school with confidence.

 Saxophone lessons include:saxophone-lessons-children1-e1412183071632-150x150
• Good posture
• Tone production and proper breathing
• Understanding musical symbols
• Sight reading
• Rhythm
• Playing ‘by ear’

I like to keep parents informed about their child’s progress at saxophone lessons, through either email/text, or in-studio chats. In this way we; parent, student, and teacher, can work together to encourage and support a great learning experience!